Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Photo bashing


Ghost Creek:

Some environments with characters, (I render everything out, I believe using photographs can undermine rendering skills) (Digital)

Retro Martian (Ink and Digital)

Marina (Digital)

Predator with warpaint on helmet (Ink and Digital)

Kotromanic Castle (Digital)

Different Stages: Woods & Mountain (Oil)

Skateboards (Acrylic)

A grandmother walking through woods in the Balkans(Acrylic)

Still life Assignments

Leaf Study (Watercolor and Acrylic)

Pumpkin (Watercolor)

Mass Grave of Skulls under a Swampy Tree (Acrylic)

Orthodox Monastery(Acrylic)

Hrvatski Vitez(Croatian Knight) (Watercolor and Acrylic (on watercolor Paper))

Reptile Guard (Acrylic) A throw back to 80's style cartoons